So this is a little strange for me. I'm not quite sure how to do this introduction, but I feel it's necessary. My audience at My Life My Normal has already known me somehow - my friends and family in real life, my acquaintances, and those already connected to me on social media. When they click the link to read my personal blog they most likely already know the basics about me: I’m a bit of an oddball, with a much odder husband, an obsession with my pets and my nephew, a few close friends/family members, and a love for great food and wine, preferably together. Also, if you know me in real life you know that I’m a consistent over-sharer, and that I'm proud of that fact. So let’s get the Indellibelle Family up to speed so that you have some context for when I start over-sharing with you, too! Here’s me... And my husband. He's the man behind the curtain at Beauty and the Bleep. Engineer, editor, marketing mastermind, aka all around podcast geek! We’ve been together pretty much since the day we met, eight years ago. We were married last summer. He’s smart and funny and goofy and quick witted, and did I mention funny? He has an undercover love for animals that rivals mine. He can Macguyver the shit out of almost any problem. He challenges me in ways that I didn't know I needed until I met him. (Sometimes the challenge is simply to NOT KILL HIM, but that helps me practice my self control, right?!). And my favorite thing about him - he encourages and supports me in ways I never knew I wanted until he was there by my side, encouraging and supporting. He’s an incredible partner and I’m super excited to go through this life with him. We’re not having kids, so I obsess over my pets like a parent obsesses over their child. Seriously. Worrying about their health and happiness has kept me awake many nights. And of course I constantly share photos of them on social media. I mean come on. JD, the dog, is the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen. He’s a lab/chow with a bridle coat, black tongue, and the fiercest loyalty to his humans I’ve ever seen a canine. And Blinkin the cat, HE HAS NO EYES! How can you not be in love with a blind kitten you found at six weeks old and have taken care of ever since? They are the cutest things in the world. I rest my case. I have an amazing nephew who is a mini-me in so many ways. Of course I think he’s super cool, and of course I really love hanging out with him. And I have a baby niece who is undoubtedly NOT like me (except for her thunder thighs). You can already tell what an extrovert she is. I can’t wait to get to know her as she gets older, too. I have a feeling she’ll be teaching me so many new ways to look at the world once I can start having conversations with her. I’m super close with my mom and few amazing friends, including Ashley. I LOVE food and wine. Love. Like I spend most of my disposable income on these two things. However, I’m working on cutting back on the wine because apparently when you turn 35 wine turns to cellulite in a way it simply did not before this glorious age. Lastly, I love to write. I always have. It’s always been a way to help organize my thoughts and work through my crap. I have found, over time, that by sharing these thoughts (and the crap I am constantly working through) that the people I share with become inspired to do the same thing. Which in turn inspires me to dig deeper, continue to challenge myself, step further from my comfort zone, write more...and the cycle continues. It’s such a beautiful thing, and I’m so excited for the opportunity to share it with the Indellibelle family.
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